OCO Orders Are Now Live!
You asked; we listened.
One Cancels the Other orders are now available on http://global.bittrex.com
There are many different types of order and configuration capabilities available on Bittrex Global, Bittrex Global Mobile and our API . Each can help give you peace of mind when trading on Bittrex. Click here to see a full description of order types available.
But focusing specifically on OCO orders, here’s a zoom-in on on the functionality:
When placing any conditional order, OCO orders give you the option of setting conditions that tether it to another existing order or conditional order to ensure that only one of the pair will execute.
When a conditional order configured this way is triggered, the order (or other conditional order) that it is paired with will be cancelled prior to the conditional’s order being placed.
It is important to note, if a conditional order is paired with an order already on the order book, any executions (fills) of that order will result in the conditional order being cancelled.
It’s one more way Bittrex Global allows its users to optimize and customize their trading. Combined with our full list of order types, it’s a powerful addition to our functionality, and your trading activities.