New Listing: Etha Lend ($ETHA)

Announcing our newest listing for Bittrex Global customers! The Etha Lend ($ETHA) money market is open for deposits and withdrawals, and the USDT-ETHA market is now available for trading on Bittrex Global.

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By accessing or using any Bittrex Global Services, you voluntarily choose to engage in sophisticated and risky asset transactions.

ETHA Lend is a composable yield optimizer that abstracts the complexity in DeFi to provide users with algorithmically optimal yields. This protocol-agnostic yield optimizer is packed with features to efficiently interact universally with DeFi platforms.

Key Features

Cost and operational efficiency: With the ETHA Smart Wallet performing meta transactions for its users, operation and cost efficiency is maximized with every interaction.

Interoperable Protocol: The liquidity protocol can easily be upgraded to integrate new DeFi protocols and universally interact with them to maximize yield.

Algorithmic Asset Allocation: The protocol algorithmically optimizes the asset allocation across DeFi protocols and, based on gas cost, volatility, yield, and amount.ETHA Lend’s discovery algorithm is 700X faster able to factor in the mentioned variables and execute asset allocation in under a second, irrespective of the volume of asset supply.

Portfolio Rebalancing: Users can optimize their asset allocation by rebalancing to maximize earnings.

$ETHA is the utility and future governance of the protocol with value accrual mechanisms, to reward long-term liquidity providers through platform fees and platform discounts.

  • Mine ETHA tokens by supplying liquidity through the protocol.
  • Earn protocol rewards from performance fees on ETHA Lend.
  • The utility of the future governance token will define a set of policies that will empower ETHA token holders and the future of the protocol.

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